Cartoon of the month: Doggy care home visits

Cartoon of the month: Doggy care home visits

Some of my cartoons are about my doggy care home visits. Mum and I do make such visits: we visit a local care home every two weeks, and we’ve been doing that for nearly two years. These doggy care home visits are so much fun! I get so many pats and chin rubs, I just love the attention!

Here is a cartoon about my care home visits, and on my blog you can also seem some real-life photos of a recent visit to the care home! As you’ll see, there are lots of smiles all round. I love spreading smiles! 🙂

Minnie The Westie cartoon of the month - May 2012

This cartoon is true: some of the residents have very tasty hands after they’ve eaten their morning tea snack!

Till next time! I hope you get lots of pats and tasty treats too!

Love ‘n’ nose licks,

Minnie x


PS. Would you like to use Minnie The Westie dog cartoons? Click here to read about cartoon licensing.

Hint: using my dog cartoons is free for non-commercial blogs and organisations such as dog clubs and dog rescues!


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