Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
The 23 February of each year is international Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day!
Of course, us doggies appreciate biscuits every single day, but if humans are going to give us extra noms, we’re quite happy about that!
The most impawtant thing is to make sure that your humans do know that it’s Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. I have trained mum to write it on her calendar every year – I encourage you to train your humans too!
So how was my Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day?
My day was utterly wonderful and nommy! By sheer coincidence, I got groomed today. I go to Auntie Briar’s Dog Grooming in Sandringham, Auckland.
What makes the visits there extra special is that Auntie Briar bakes her own range of healthy dog biscuits! Mum always stocks up on dog biscuits when we visit Auntie Briar. (Auntie Briar ships the biscuits throughout New Zealand, call 09 849 8127 to order.)

Mum and I at Auntie Briar's... Auntie Briar grooms me and also bakes healthy dog biscuits. *drools!*

Bone-shaped dog biscuits baked by Auntie Briar. *slurps!*

Nom nom nom nom!
As well as nomming on these bone-shaped biscuits myself, I also gave biscuits to my boyfriend, Morris, and to my furiend, Daisy. Gotta share the Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day tail-wags, I reckon!
I hope your day is as pawsome as mine!
Love ‘n’ biscuit-flavoured licks,
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