Minnie meets Santa!
Mum took me to Santa at an Animates pet store this week!
I must admit I was rather scared of him… in fact I was trembling at first! I’m not used to seeing people in big red suits!
Santa was lovely though, he gave me really really nice cuddles, and I was more than happy to climb on his lap.
Mind you, I was equally happy to get off his lap again and check out the nom aisle with mum!

Minnie meets Santa
A time for giving…
As well as giving cuddles to as many people as I can, I like to spread joy far and wide. (That’s the whole point about my cartoon book, it is a smile-transmission mechanism for people who are too far away to have the pleasure of rubbing my belly!)
This year, mum and I have also made small contributions to New Zealand-based animal charities and welfare groups, such as Paw Justice and the SPCA. But our biggest contribution by far is our volunteer work for Outreach Therapy Pets, whereby we visit people in a care home every two weeks. As well as giving our time, mum pays for the petrol to drive me there and back each time. I love making these visits, it is pawsome to bring smiles to so many people in an hour or so!
I do hope that you too have the pleasure of rubbing a dog’s belly (or some other pet) over the holiday season.
Love ‘n’ licks,
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