Happy 2012!
Wishing you a very happy new year, my furiends!
Yes, I know that we are more than half way through January but I am only now back from my holibobs. Here in New Zealand it is summer after all, and I have spent a couple of weeks holidaying on mum and dad’s sailboat. (With mum and dad there as well, of course – someone had to do the sailing and the cooking, y’know!)
I will add my holibob photos onto this blog next week… keep an eye out for them here!
Did you have holibobs as well? I hope you had some good adventures with lots of greats sniffs and noms.

Holibobs are all about discovering some great new sniffs!
What’s in store for 2012?
Have you made any New Year Resolutions?
I haven’t… there’s no improving on Westie perfection! 😉 I intend to spend 2012 enjoying daily walks, noms, cuddles and naps. Much like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that…!
Mum has some exciting plans for Minnie The Westie for 2012. She has already started sketching cartoons for my second book. All going well, that should be ready by the end of the year. (Not seen my first book yet? Find out more here.)
Here’s to even more waggy tails and Westie smiles in 2012!
Love ‘n’ licks,
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