Special talent: Hypnotise-eyes

Special talent: Hypnotise-eyes

Hello my furiends!

Recently I told you about my special talent as a “Minnie-Matic“, which is a great way of getting extra noms.

But the problem with that approach is that it’s a little bit reactive, and totally reliant on the humans dropping food on the floor.

So when I have an extra hunger going (which is, um, quite often!), I have a more proactive approach to securing extra noms.

The secret? My hypnotise-eyes!

Hypnotise-eyes... "look deep into my eyes... feed me... feed me..."The hypnotise-eyes work a treat on my dad… unfortunately mum is a little bit more resilient! But if I work it hard enough, even she will cave in. 😉

I hope the hypnotise-eyes trick works as well for you as it does for me, my nom-loving friends!

Love ‘n’ licks,

Minnie x




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