Morris’ staycation
Morris is another Westie dog… he lives next door to me and he’s my boyfriend.
You may have met Morris in my cartoon book…
In the cartoons, Morris is sweet, funny, charming, thoughtful and sophisticated (in a doggy way).
Morris and I also have a lot of adventures together!
Oh, the holes we’ve dug together, and the great sniffs we’ve sniffed. *dreamy look*
What can I say, Morris is pawsome! 🙂

My boyfriend, Morris the westie, in my cartoon books is based on a real life Morris The Westie!
Well, the cartoon Morris is based on a real life Morris the Westie!
Morris’ family recently went overseas for 3 weeks… and Morris came to stay with me!
Morris and I both enjoyed his “staycation” very much… as you’ll see from our photos!

The mornings always start the same… with cuddles! That’s me, Minnie, on the right (cuddled up to mum), and Morris is on the left, kissing mum’s hand.

In the mornings, we like to check out what’s been happening in the garden. Here we are both practicing our “innocent” faces. (That’s me, Minnie, on the left, and Morris on the right.)

On cold mornings, I stay inside (where it’s nice and warm!) and keep an eye on Morris as he patrols the outside. If he discovers anything interesting, I dash out through the doggy door to join him! This way I get the best of both worlds. 🙂

Some days, we just sit and relax in the sunshine. 🙂

Once we are content that there are no cats to chase in the garden, the sunbathing continues inside, where it’s warmer. (It’s winter here in Auckland at the moment!) That is Morris on the left, and me, Minnie, on the right.

We need a nap after such a busy morning. That is me, Minnie, on the top, and I have stolen Morris’ bed…

Morris is not impressed that I’ve stolen his bed, so he comes and joins me! That’s Morris on the left, and me, Minnie, on the right – looking decidedly unimpressed with Morris’ tactics!

Help! Morris is killing my Christmas-chicken-in-gold-hotpants toy! (OK, so I never liked that toy, but still! Help?!)

Morris says, “It’s OK, Minnie, I’ve killed that Christmas-chicken-in-gold-hotpants, it was freaking me out! You’re safe now!”

At the weekend, we got a trip to Cheltenham Beach (Auckland, NZ)! That is Morris on the left, and me, Minnie, checking out the good sniffs on the right.

Morris says: “What do you mean I got grubby on the beach? Surely a fellow as handsome as I am doesn’t need a shower?!”

Morris says: “Mummmeeeee! That mean lady washed me! Not fair!”

Getting takeaways for (the humans’) dinner turns into an exciting Westie outing! That’s me, Minnie, on the left, and Morris on the right.

Night night! As you can see, Morris made himself right at home, using mummy’s pillow for his head rest, and my head as his butt rest!
And there’s more!
Morris learned a few tricks while he was staying with me:
- He sits and waits till he hears the word “OK” before eating.
- He gives kisses on demand! (Well, in return for some bribes!)
- He chews bones! He’s not been much of a chewer before, whereas me, I really love my bones. I show him how it’s done.
Enjoy the video of Morris’ new tricks!
Here’s the link to my YouTube Channel: please visit it and click “Subscribe”, so you’ll see my new westie videos and updates!
Love ‘n’ nose licks,
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