Wag ‘n’ Walk
A couple of weeks ago mum took me to the Wag ‘n’ Walk in Auckland Domain. Apparently this is the biggest dog event in New Zealand, and it raises money for the animal charity Paw Justice.
The Auckland Domain is Auckland’s oldest park, and it is located in the central suburbs. The park is 75 hectares (185 acres) in size… nice and big for us doggies!
We arrived at the Domain a bit early for the walk. It was a hot and sunny day; fortunately there were lots of nice, big, shady trees to sit under. I must admit that this was my favourite part of the day, as I managed to scrounge 3 belly rubs off total strangers! Ooooh, I do like my belly rubs… *dreamy look*

Relaxing under the shady trees before the walk... I wonder if that lady will give me any of her ice cream? I'd best keep looking, she might notice me and feed me some noms!

And the walk is underway! There was lots of wagging and lots of walking. The doggies were all colours, shapes and sizes!

Yay, I found another white doggy! This one had a very nice smelling bum *sniff sniff*

There were other nice sniffs on the walk too, not just bum sniffs! This big old tree was very cool. I made sure there were no rabbits hiding in the holes between the roots!

We take a break under the tree - it was a very hot day. The building in the background is the Auckland Museum.
Mum took me home shortly after that photo was taken, as I was very tired and far too hot. The walk was fun, but I was all wagged ‘n’ walked out!
Love ‘n’ licks,
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