Westie Walk with the Westie Club NZ
Being a member of the Westie Club NZ is fun! One of the events they organise each year is a Westie Walk in Cornwall Park, Auckland, New Zealand.
Cornwall Park is beautifully landscaped and incorporates the famous One Tree Hill. The park covers an area of about 120 hectares (296.5 acres), some of which is run as a farm. Yep, there are sheep and moo moos right in the middle of the Auckland urban sprawl!
The 2011 Westie Walk
This year’s Westie Walk was on Sunday 13 November, which is Spring time in New Zealand. A nice time of year for a walk!
Here are my photos from the day. And yes, you might spot the occasional Scottie too; they are part of the clan after all!

Who says it's just dogs that are food obsessed? The humans huddle around the BBQ... and that's before the walk has even started!

The walk gets underway! There are Westies in front of me...

... and there are even more Westies behind me!

Me, I have to stop and sniff every tree. This is hard work; there are a lot of trees in this park!

The Westie Walk is a great way to meet new friends. Here I am, playing with a new furiend. Sadly I didn't catch her name, we were too busy running running running!

Of course, it's good to see old friends on the walk too. That's me, Minnie on the right. In the middle of the photo is my boyfriend, Morris. And on the left is Magnum, another Westie furiend that I see most weeks.

We stop for some water... it is a hot day! The stairs also make a good photo opawtunity. I am in there somewhere with mum!

Amazing! There are white, fluffy things in the park that aren't Westies!

After the walk, the dogs and humans alike relax in the shade and enjoy some noms. There's a sausage sizzle for the humans (though I did get a small bit of sausage too!). And there were some free dried chicken necks for the doggies. Nom nom!

I was soooo tired after the walk, I fell asleep as soon as I got in the car!

When I got home, I had a snooze as soon as I got through the front door! I didn't even make it onto the couch or bed! Or into the kitchen (where the humans were doing food things)... now THAT'S a tired Westie!!
I’m looking forward to the Westie Club’s next event already!
Love ‘n’ licks,
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